CLARITY is a short film which I feel privileged to have played a small part in bringing
into being and to the silver screen.
The film is being screened as part of an all day short films festival and networking event.
Anyone can attend on the day to:
*Support the film makers, writers, producers, actors and technicians.
*Meet with like-minded individuals who are passionate about films and filming.
*Converse with others in attendance about current and future collaborations.
Some further details about the day:
CLARITY will premier on August 2nd 2024 in the town of Kendal in the beautiful Lake District in the UK.
Tickets can be purchased here:
Clarity Director / Co-Writer / Producer Sam Mason @sammasonfilm
Clarity Co-Writer / Editor Herbie Harrison @herbieharrisonfilm
D of P / Colourist Jamie Spencer @jspencerfilm
Producer Rachel Leahy @rae_on_film
Executive Producer Russell Liney [BCAD] @russellliney
Co-Exec Producers Simon Sylvester @simonsylvester_ and @becca.ellson
VFX & Sound Design Rafe Moate @rafefilm
Music Composer Manish @_.manish_s._
Graphic Designer / Poster Art Rob @bert._design
#filmhubnorth #filmtrailer #film #studentfilm #cinema #premiere #stephenking #blackmirror #charliebrooker #netflix #kendal #northengland
If you can make it to this event, your attendance and support will be greatly appreciated and highly valued by all involved.
It is great to know that people are prepared to commit to their creative lives and make independent films. Thanks for sharing! John Botterill